Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Who I am and what I believe

Lets me first began by saying who I am; I am a freshman in the University of Illinois-Urbana. I identify myself as Christians, African American, and a person that love people. Being a freshman in such a diverse university has allowed me the privilege to meet and befriend many types of people that I might have never met at home. The neighborhood in which I grew up in is not really diverse in race, social status, and was limited to different life outcomes; everyone shared the same mentality in which I brought a little to college with me. The major thing I have observed is that basically, people have the same set of the most basic mentality that is only affected by environment and experience. Example; when any person sees another person get seriously hurt that person who saw it would want to help, be in shock, or have a depressing change of emotion. But if the person who saw it is a person who sees this everyday and know that by helping that particular person would only harm themselves or their family that person may not help or show shock ness, but probably will feel that should not get involved and will stay out of the situation. Another person seeing the same thing for the first time out their life may become very traumatic and may view the previous person as a bad person because he/she themself may have lack of knowledge ofthe previos person's choice.

The same happens with the most controversial things like people's feelings of abortions. A person that willingly had sex, got pregnant, and accepted their situation may feel that people who are pro-abortion are mean and rude for not accepting the responsibilities as they, themselvess, have. But on the other side, if a 13 year old girl have been raped by her older male family member and have to live the high percentage of the baby coming out HIV positive, the girl may feel abortion is necessary and appropriate especially if the 13 year old is poor and have a horrific life. Her and her parents (who also cannot support another person) may decide abortion over giving the baby up for adoption, since their are so many kids placed in bad foster home and ends up homeless. So the first person is anti-abortion while the 13 year old and those who know of her situation become pro-abortion.

In both examples above, I believe that if both persons in both situations were/had the same experiences that maybe their feelings and reactions would be the same.